Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Crazy Mans Diary 1-102

                                                      Day 1

I had an episode. I remembered my step fathers death. I remember how he had died. It was against the window of my mothers S.U.V. foaming at the mouth. I wonder was he poisoned,was he provoked, was he sick? Everyone say's it was a natural death,but, I know better. There was no autopsy done. There was no investigation either. And, the arguments him and my mother had over her stealing money from the childrens education fund. It is frightening.

                                                          Day 2
I had another episode. A women is screaming at me in my head from no-where. She is using my body like she owns it. She is provoking me to do weird things. Is it her,or,just me. " its not me".

                                                          Day 3
Three episodes later i remember so much more than just my step fathers death and the arguments both him and my mother had before he died. I remember witnessing a robbery of a jewelry store. The robbers stole a queens necklace." a queen elizabeth's necklace". The robber looked so much like our president, "The president of the United States Of America". Could it be they wanted me dead,or,Just to be quite on the matters.

                                                           Day 4
Another episode. I remember rockford Illinois and the crime rate there. So much crime. Barrack Obamma ran for states attorney there back when Bill Clinton had ran for president. I know this because i voted for Bill Clinton. But, today they say Barrack Obamma came here from India. A cover up, or , is this beyond real.

                                                               Day 5
I had another episode. I recall my differences with another person i love dearly. This other person relates to friends and they are mexicans. " I have in the past become a problem"," I do not know why". I try my hardest to relate to them. I can not eye to eye contact with them because that reminds me of myself. And, all i do in life is try to help others needs and others lives. I recieved a bad look from an opposite sex. She looked upon me as if i was filth and not desire- able. I said some disturbing things about this individual - even called her a female dog. She does not know any better and neither do i. The things i do for others are incredible, " helping others". Why lord? Why...She looks upon me as if i were Satan himself.

                                                                   Day 6
I had another episode. The bikers had fled towards Africa. The lord called upon a man to help him. Balaam was present in Woodstock Illinois,"a black shadow". Five Chancellors met in Chicago Illinois. A prophet of the Church Of Jesus Christ Died. And, revelations in the bible was written. A new prophet later accepted by the church. I was the center of attention, Woodstock, Illinois. Leremy the horse race track out of Chicago Illinois died, Woodstock Illinois Bar. And a man once harassed by our presidents daughter became a multi millionair with legal shield. All this is in sync with princess diana's of englands death and many other deaths of global leaders and celebrities and else. A police man was busted for drug trafficking and a judge resigned,"retired". Later is tampering with the political votes and hacking's of poll websites. Elected president Barrack Obamma.

                                                                      Day 7
Another episode. The twin towers were attacked. And, people had died and were injured. I was with my dad, Garden Prairie Illinois.I was almost shot by a random car driver driving a pure black of what appeared to be an escelade or a new yorker. I can still vision the laser pointer pointed at my head.All i wanted was a soda from the tire shop next door. I ran into the barn my dad was painting cars in. He said . Let me See. He looked , then , Said your crazy son!

                                                                     Day 8
I had another episode. I was assigned to a emotionally disturbed class-room in High School. I was bullied count-less. I still remember it clearly as if it was yesterday. High School, 2004.

                                                                     Day 9
Another after another episodes. Massive, A hurricane, hurricane Katrina leveled new orleans and the entire coast. And, forest fires scattered and demolished california,the dakota's and else. "Hellish".

                                                                      Day 10
Another episode.My friend died of heroin overdose. An actor , fast and the furious and the movie jimonji and others,parker and williams died.One died of a car accident and the other of a heart attack or the like. And, Micheal Jackson was killed by a sphychologist giving him bad laced medication. Is this group related warfare, or , just coincidence.

                                                                       Day 11
I had more episodes. A tornado leveled a small southern Illinois town. And, Floods ravaged about the U.S.A., Scattered.

                                                          Day 12

Another episode. I heard gun shots blazing in the woods, "south side Rockford Illinois". They were not your usual gun shots either. They were like a mass load of dragons breathing fire balls of fire-y power. I seen concerts playing for princess Diana of England. I seen blades distinctively sneaking around and possibly murdering as a motive. It is a lot like a reality show mix of the Legend Of The Dragoons and Final Fantasy , "Plot lines and all". I seen corruption of many kinds. I seen tragedy and loss when princess Diana had died. I was lined up in the street and called out by name, O- ocean, K-king, C - charles, W-william, H-henry and else. I was arrested and taken to jail.

                                                             Day 13
I had another episode. I have been spinning in circles and mocked by a technology i knew of. There were also concerts held for the disabled. A women, leader of the family services had said on live television,"I get to ruin a mans life for once". I have taken an oath and a noble one. And , years after i began to help others to fallow there dreams.

                                                             Day 14
I had another episode. I was arrested and put in a cell at a fake police station. I was given nothing to drink or eat. I was walking around in circles still. I could not break out. I fell asleep. I woke up in a special hospital.

                                                             Day 15
Yet another episode. I feel like a soldier on a battlefield. I am fortunate to be alive. I have a lot of faith in god. And, Jesus died for our sins , " I know it". I hear a man breathing heavily. The sound coming from the recorder on my phone. A women then screaming as if it was right off of a steep cliff. A gunshot after. And, no one left breathing the finally. The recorder went silent.

                                                            Day 16
Another episode. I was pulled over and asked my name by a police officer. I answered,"My name". I was then arrested and changed with obstructing a police officer. I asked to speak with my attorney and had my cell phone handy ready to call. My phone was confiscated by the police officer along with my other belongings. I was denied my one phone call after being detained in the police station. My next phone call was after twenty four hours of being detained. I asked to get my attorneys phone number out of my belongings too. The answer was no! "Your belongings are too filthy". Three months later against my will and ordered by the court a special hospital is where i was sentenced too awaiting further trial. And , three months after that i was finally released on good behavior and cooperation. An officer said ,"Its about the money".

                                                Day 17
Another episode. I had a plate of nacho's . My body had neglected them. It made me feel uncomfortable. Like, just maybe, I ate another's specimen. Its almost like someone is trying to hide my real identity, but why, why? I am like a chattering pig. i am talking to myself as if i am high on crack or the like. someone please help me. So, Who can? Only God and Christ can help me.This is true,but you,"cannot".

                                                Day 18
Another episode. The guy who served me the nacho's , he said i was screwed. The guy who is dear to me , he was with me when i ate the nacho's. He knows the people who are working here. So, what would anyone else think. Is my thinking wrong or just right?

                                               Day 19
Again, another episode. It was over who i would vote for in the upcoming presidential election. Donald Trump the man who wants to build the trump wall. Or, Hillary Clinton, the women who lies a lot,is very knowledgeable of government But in other terms she gets away with horrible things and also writes books of it. And , Or , the little guy.

                                               Day 20
I had another episode. The millionair of legal shield went to court in new york and won his case that he was indeed a victor of being harassed and terrorized by numerous people. The judge of the case was shot ank killed and i was denied a same trial by the same firm that handled this case. Partially, i was too loony toons to be in trial. I was laughed at by individuals i was presenting my case to. It must be them in fear. Its just un-real.

                                                       Day 21
I had another episode. Opra winfrey had needles in her eyes. And a bb pushed into her brain and that is how a lot of rich had died. The poor was oppressed and the destruction of the poor made the rich go into poverty.

                                                        Day 22
Another episode. I seen Jesus invisible like the alien the astronaut wheelock had found in an outer space mission.

                                                         Day 23 
Another episode it is the glory of god to conceal a matter:but it is the honour of kings to search out a matter. Some have interfered with the work of the lord. On tv some said they were going to kill Jesus. And the lord was unleashed. The lord punished them. And new church's were founded.
I had another episode. Obamma found an invisible alien like the one discovered by astronaut wheelock. He plans to use the alien for further conquest of the universe. And alien artifacts studied in Antarctica will be used for more advanced technologies and weapons.

                                            Day 24
Another episode. Tornadoes continue to destroy thousands. Leaving a lot of people dead. And flood watches increased along with big snowstorms.

                                              Day 25
Another episode. I had a vision. The vision was the ancient Egyptians pyramids. The pyramids were built to build our hearts core. Used as poop and urine and fruit and sacrifice temples. And they kept a record of the years it took to create our earth and atmosphere. They would dig holes to the underworld. And they would load it with burnt offerings and sacrifices. Then they lit it on fire. And it burned slowly like burnt oil.

                                            Day 26
I had another episode. A settlement on mars was built. And whoever built it found out that potatoes can grow on mars. And other new planets are being built.

                                                        Day 27
Another episode. Someone tries to inhabit Pluto. And bombs fall somewhere. And Jesus is present. And peoples spirits scatter the universe attached to earth still with there imbilical cords. Imbilical is another word for biblical.

                                                       Day 28
Another episode. Woodstock Illinois everyone was given HIV. Fake dollars were printed out.
A women became a millionair and bought a limo. Bikers filled the bars. A police dog was given feet and but disease. A judge, Judge Condon retired. A couple police officers were misbehaving. Illinois is known for its corruption. Ambulances ran wild and failed to save America. People were lined up in the streets. And rain had poored down of warfare. And a door was kicked in and a man was shot. And a horse race owner out of chicago died in one of the bars named Laremy. Obamma announced terrorism and group warfare. And later on mchenry county services were shut down.

                                                   Day 29
Another episode. The lord hath made all things for himself yea even the wicked for the day of evil.
uri milner is forking out 100s of millions to find further life in the universe. The whole thing about the war on iraq is fishy. The middle east was conquered by the christians during the middle ages.
And there was lots of gold treasuries with gold in them for every country. A police officer told me it was about the money,but, is it or is it just pride. Those who hasteth to be rich will soon be poor. The destruction of the poor is the rich's poverty. No death shall come upon the just. We will only resurrect in jesus. Jesus has returned and brang us an creation of his own creation. And a big group is trying to kill jesus. I was pronounced to be jesus of the church of latter day saints of jesus christ. And the prophet is dead from the meeting in chicago during obamma's presidency. And the middle east is taken over. A man had a dream to be king. And he saved christianity and now evil has come upon us.
The lord hath made holy warriors for the day of evil. And those warriors too were given knowledge of the lord. The lord weigheth the spirits. The lord judges. The lord made all things for himself. The lord died for our sins. And it begins Europe is now one superstate.

                                                       Day 30
Another episode. The lord directeth my steps. He tells me to save all the souls that i can. And to help the world with there dreams whatever they may be and to give all people access to the lords knowledge. Because it is of the lord and it is of the people. My family is trying to burn me with all there debts and go to hollywood and be celebrities and be rich and rid the world of the other half of my family. That is why parker had died. The fast n the Furious star. And micheal jackson. And all the others. My step father said before he had died just play the game nick and get a gravel truck and do something with your life. " it was your mother nick". I am king Pinned head to toe with needles in my eyes and a bb in my head and a dog training speaking device in my ears. A probe is stuck down my wee wee. And a wire was ran from my eyeball all the way down to my left  foot. And im being fed bountiful of fried chicken and pizza. I dont accept wickedness but in the bible it does say to respect thy neighbor. The lord directeth my steps. The united kingdom was terrorized and other countries had raised nuclear war with america. We are many peoples and in america before columbus we had all come from europe to america seeking glory riches and freedoms like freedom of religion. A war is leading all the kingdoms. And the gore and bloodshed is staining the scene. It is all happening. The lord weigheth the spirits.

                                                 Day 31
A man that sounds like obamma is screaming at me technologically to get off of whatever i think i am on. But being on Jesus and praising the lord is the righteous and just thing to do. And giving knowledge to everyone which the lord wants me to do is not wrong it is right,the right thing to do.
Better is a little right than a whole lot of wrong without righteousness.

                                                 Day 32
Another episode. Obamma had bombed africa killing a whole lot of gods innocent children. I was strung up. I had needles in my eyes. And i had a dog speaking trainiing device that teaches dogs how to speak in my ear. I used to work the temp agencies as a labour'er. I was making thirteen dollars an hour. I have paid my taxes. And i was set up by an enemy. Not my family. Anyone who would string me up. Put needles in my eyes. And scream profanity at me is not family. There an enemy. But the lord weigheth the spirits. Being in king pins my entire life is not good. Although one of my enemies handles the lords money. They all want a chunk of the lords money. They hasteth to be rich and be hollywood celebrities. Those who hasteth to be rich will soon be poor. I was adopted they said. The lord god jesus help me. A higher power is what the lord hath given me. Praise the lord and happy is he.

                                                      Day 33
Another episode. The princess diana had needles in her eyes. A bb in her brain. And only wanted to help the world. It was all covered up in a car accident that led to her death. Her autopsy revealed she was revived. Then she went back into death and stopped breathing. Games had filled hollywood with the red wings of angels. A talebearer is as wounds. It goes down into the inner most parts of the belly.

                                                    Day 34
Another episode. The war on the globalists. Jim spreengsteen reports. Clouded judgement is as the cloud of latter rain. A one superstate in europe. The end to all just in heaven is coming to an end. What to do. Who to call upon. The lord directeth my steps. The lord weigheth the spirits. The fbi cant help me. Nor can the Cia. Nor can united nations. Group warfare has come upon us. And its bigger than anyone could ever imagine. The queen was almost shot on a 3 am scroll in the park. Those who seek the lord shall understand all things. All is the lords. Glory, Glory, Hollalooya.

                                                     Day 35
Another episode. All had come from europe. America before columbus. We all seek riches,glory and freedoms. Freedoms are being taken away. And domestic violence has grown ever bigger. Out of dietor came dieties. Out of god kings came god queens. Out of the lord came all things. The lord hath made all things for himself , yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. Im glad to be American. Im glad to be given life. Im glad to have the oportunity to give others knowledge. Im glad. So glad in the lord god jesus. 

                                                    Day 36
Another episode. The war on the capitalism begins. It reminds me of the movie terminator with Arnold swartzenager when the charactor john conner lives off the grid. No phone, no address, working for cash, no hospital visits and such. There are eye doctors saving those from eye glasses
and helping them see again. Wickedness shall never be. There is other things such as the war against the globalists. And else too.

                                                           Day 37
I had another episode. A laptops hard drive was destroyed in new York with all the disabled personal information on it. And they ran a wire from my eyeball to my left foot and put a bell tone hearing device into the back of my head during a surgery when i was four years old. They used my personal information to steal free money from the government. Money you don't have to pay back. They did it all through a phone matrix. Then when done stealing the money they would go around and sign me up for brutal hospital treatments like radiation therapy.I learned the differences between thieves and crooks and gained my strengths in the lord.

                                                    Day 38
Another episode. And after all they do they live like there poor and middle class and they forward all the money into foreign bank accounts that cannot be tracked by the u.s. government. There all a team. They use everything the lord hath made for himself to do wicked to the poor. The destruction of the poor is the riches poverty. Praise the lord happy is he.


                                                       Day 39
Another episode. There are over 15 million people on ssi and there all being robbed and so is the government. The debt is outrageous. They blame the disabled while robbing the rich and try to make you hurt them for doing it.
Another episode.

                                                        Day 40
I had another episode. I read an entire article on elgin state hospital lawsuits. And they put a drug radium into there patients food and else and it made them go crazy. And there was patient abuse and else.

                                                       Day 41
Another episode. I watched a news report on barracks obamma and his daughter Michelle who had toys that were terrorizing a man. Barrack owned a walmart in rockford illinois during Bill Clinton's presidency and ran for states attorney. The toys were examined by a specialist and found not good.
Another episode. A prison doc officer used a piece of metal from the prison cell door and terrorized a man by jamming on the cell door system that was live to satalite. The piece of the cell door was in his eye and head. He spent most his life in prison.

                                                        Day 42
Another episode. I was picked up by an ambulance and they injected needles into my arms and they tripped me up as i walked down the street. And a sphycologist had done this once which had put a man in a wheelchair with a snapped neck.
Another episode. A rock n roller hung on a powerline and popped every corner for six blocks in a king pin. He lived to tell his story. Praise the lord and happy is he.

                                         Day 43
Another episode.
They also went circle.
-Pencil led and 90s dental filling powder in my tobacco.
-1990s dental filling powder in my shoes
-led pieces from my own cell phone in my eyes.
-and hacked my cell phones speech recognition to make me look like i had created the phone matrix.
-and switched to a bullsdick live to the powerline.
- A form of Cyber terror in America
-and called me my own terrorist.
praise the lord.
-and the evidence was the evidence.

                                                                Day 44
Another episode. I realized i do have a disability and that the doctors are right. I do not have a glock and due to my disability i can not get one. Praise the lord.But i do have Jesus and Satan is a liar. I am a child of the king.Upon death the righteous increase. It can work with those who praise him. Praise the lord.Righteous lips are loved by kings and no deaths come to the just and well resurect in Jesus name.

                                                               Day 45
Another episode. Live tv a bunch of pumps were drinking and shooting up heroin in there jail cells. It was wicked. And it was brutal. And there were reports made in women prisons that men were buying women and sexual favors from the commesary  menu. Praise the lord. And pimps chase there women around. Praise the lord. And there was a drone that crashed into a south Carolina prison loaded with dope and marijuanna.praise the lord.

                                                               Day 46
Another episode. I bought a dozen eggs. I checked em all. I put em in the fridge. I went to work. I came home and they were all leaking and stuck to the carton. I went outside. I seen a needle cap in the driveway laying on the ground. A few twigs and sticks not too far from it. Praise the lord. I threw em all out. I have starved since.

                                                        Day 47
Another episode. I went to sleep. I woke up. I checked my bag of miscellaneous items. A hole was in my coffee bottle. Praise the lord. The poor are hated even of his own neighbor.

                                                           Day 48
Another episode. There was an fbi case where a family had lived like slobs and there home was so messy that no evidence could be recovered of a murder scene where the dad was shot in the head and killed. But a troubled teenage kids record along with interrogation solved the case. The dads teenage daughter shot the dad out of revenge. And the mother kept saying she wanted him dead. So the daughter did it. She killed the dad.

                                                              Day 49
Another episode. I was picked up by a police officer and taken to rockford memorial hospital where i was assaulted and put to sleep. I woke up three days later in an mental insane hospital. I don't remember anything since put to sleep but the day i was picked up. There was a concert i was headed to. I guess i was not wanted there. Weird things like spycological abuse happened from there.
Another episode. I called my lawfirm of lawyers and said i wanted to sue my mother in new York for ruination of life,liberty and pursuit of happiness. The firm laughed at me. I guess it was cause of a similar case they had where a millionair won his case and the judge got shot for his judgement.

                                                                 Day 50
Another episode. I am being cyber terrorized. Every human beings brain is like a computer. Needles in my eyes. Bb in my brain. A dog speaking training device in my ears and jaw. There listening in on my life. Personal information compromised. Threats screamed into my ears daily saying aweful things. Including threats of death. And that no one can stop them. Praise the lord. Only hope can save me now.

                                                     Day 51
Another episode. I remember my mother reading me the story of fifteen little pigs. In this story there is fifteen little pigs. A DOC officer,a police officer,a judge,a sociologist,a dentist,a surgeon, a political leader,a father,a mother,a brother,a sister a king ,a nurse,and a doctor and a paramedic,misbehaving. Praise the lord. Group terrorism.The story of the little pigs.

                                                         Day 52
Another episode. I was homeless being cyber terrorised. A storm came into the town i was living in. The storm picked me up high into the air. A few moments later it dropped me. I slid a hundred feet into some trees. A tornado maybe. Maybe not. But amen i am alive. Praise the lord.

                                                       Day 53
Another episode. My father called me in saying i was crazy. I took off running for dear life. In puffing and huffing i callapsed. After dead not breathing for six hours i resurrected. Lord God Jesus Christ saved me. Praise the lord. Satan is a liar. I am a child of the king.

                                                   Day 54
 Another episode. My mother has chosen one child to burn for the entire family. She uses the one childs name fraudulently to open bank accounts overseas to steal and put government money in so it cannot be tracked by the U.S. government. And it is not tied to her so it is hard to prove. Government money such as free money to put a down payment on a vehicle. Or free money to pay your light bill. Or just money you do not have to pay back. She also dated a gang member once and is known to have others do favors for her.

                                                      Day 55
Another episode. There was a crime scene and it was cleaned. The new staged crime scene was all brand new stuff. A new couch. New chairs. New sheets and pillow cases and everything else was bleached and soaped and ran through the washer three to four times. Praise the lord. All the why's equals the what.

                                                  Day 56
Another episode.Half the families rich. Half the families middle class. The other half is poor living pay check to paycheck. Half the family also lives overseas and is the same. The poor are hated of his own neighbor. Middle class are playing the family game. And the rich hath many friends. As to proverbs in the holy bible. "Where did all the money go?"
Its not hard to figure out.

                                                       Day 57                
Another episode. Grandma spent years doing puzzles. Dads a smart criminal. Brothers a devil. Sisters a spider. And moms a female dog. Spent years doing what? "Trying to beat the government". Friend says its there pride Mollocca. Other friends says don't do nothin. Police officer says don't get in between it you will get killed. Security guard says its about money. And the game is your on somethin or your not. Community who knows. And its just the way things are. Praise the lord he direction my steps. And in between it no matter what i do and i can be killed either way.

                                                           Day 58
Another episode. The terrorist knows i seen Jesus. There after Jesus. Some want to kill Jesus.
Praise the lord. The lord directeth my steps. Please someone help the lord. God a higher power waits patiently and patiently and in the end saves the world.
Another episode. Mankind started out as tadpoles. A man did himself and out came eventually a women.In the holy bible it says in genesis out of man came women. I am sure it still puzzles scientist when they find a man and a women in one body. Wouldn't you say?

                                                          Day 59
Another episode. The theory of existence. Is the existence of existing in more than one space at once. We are existent to where we exist. Our presence is tied to where we are present. We must stretch our presence to elist in other presents. It is one of the only ways to travel space correctly.
Another episode. The existence list or elist is a list of all existence.
We exist where we are existent. Our presents is where we are present.praise the lord. All is the lords. Amen. Amen is the alternate word for notepad amendments.

                                                         Day 60
Another episode. You can exist in non existent spaces. But not without creating an elist. Elist is alternate word for notepad to exist. Elist is also cognizant to elite. Elite is formabulant to write.

                                                         Day 61
Another episode. My hotel room was broken into. My wallet and phone ransacked. My id and ssi number were used by the thief to put inaccuracies on my medical record. All illnesses and else are listed in it. Praise the lord. Satan is a liar. Im a child of the king. I will deliver souls from evil. Wisdom is better than choice silver. I filed a police report. Now i need names and proof then i have to prove it. A higher power. God himself. Praise the lord.

                                                            Day 62
Another episode. Knowing thy evil ones. Who hates you. What would they do to you. How do they treat you. And put the puzzle together. Michael Jordan has a story about love and family. And others have a story about wrong crowds and false friends. Praise the lord. Happy is he. Understand him and understand all things.

                                                          Day 63
Another episode. Along with my hotel being broken into and my wallet ransacked. My personal information was used by the thief to sign me up for hospital treatments. And since this thief has hiv the thief used my medical information at the hospital. The current situation being domestic. And the thief avoiding the hospital itself and treatment then tries to say i gave it to them in the process of trying to give it to me by toothbrush,drinks and other means. Praise the lord.

                                                        Day 64
Another episode. My terrorist is trying to make me on somethin. But those who enticeth his neighbor leads him in the way that is not good. The terrorist wants me to run by foot with no money to the boarder. But with no money and being new to each area will get you into jail and court trouble in every counTy there. And once you go there and if you ever go back they can get you on every one of those charges. Praise the lord. Every hometown has lowly. And better is it to hang your head with the lowly than to spoil it with the proud.

                                                      Day 65
Another episode. A man was under domestic situation. He thought it was a church doing it. He got a gun and shot up the church. Praise the lord. When does this evil end.

                                                     Day 66
Another episode. To beat a kingpin you have to prove that there kingpinning you in court. You have to be able to do surgery on yourself. You have to show the court evidence that there using technology on you. You have to seek a higher power.
A mental hospital issued by a court order can keep u a year at a time. And possibly the court could rule in there favor causing you to be forced treated. To not take medication you have to know another Kingpin to buy and do drugs from. Either on somethin or not but if on nothin they will make you on somethin. Although some do find relief from it all with the lord. But anymore there trying to kill Jesus.
                                                          Day 64
Another episode. Another free way from kingpins is gang affiliation. And you have to travel with fifteen gang members at all times. Praise the lord. Or be part of a huge group that will have your back. We live in a new civilized dark age. Jesus the only emperor. There is terrorism in America.
Another episode. There's a system and its worldwide. And its growing bigger each day. Banks,churches,schools,businesses and else all control the money. The money goes in and goes back to its source where it came from. Ten years of knowledge. Better is it to have wisdom than gold as choice silver. Praise the lord. Source proverbs holy bible. Its all the lords. The lord made all things yea even the wicked for the day of evil.

                                                           Day 65
 Another episode. My mother tricked me into getting on ssi. A sociologist named mimi diagnosed me as schizo affective and did not have her degree at the time to diagnose properly. I do agree i have a disability because i cannot get a glock. I am being kingpinned to my death by a Kingpin itself. A higher power,knowing my rights and reaching out to the public and the lord are my strengths. Mimi was the head coordinater for osf saint anthonys hospitals pain management department in effingham Illinois. But she got fired for some reason. Where she is now is a mystery. I was told not to get in between it i would get killed.

                                                            Day 66
 Another episode. I feel have been blaming the wrong things. There are wicked amongst us. The lord hath made all things yea even the wicked for the day of evil. The system works but when corrupted it fails. Failure leads to financial debt and else. Its never a church,organization,a government or group. Its the wicked within these things created. Praise the lord. Those who understand him understand all things. Name is of game. People is of problems. All is the lords.

                                                      Day 67
 Another episode. I was reading a privacy policy contract. I was being asked questions at the same time. I was distracted and tricked into signing it. I read the contract afterwards. I signed a written revokation of the contract cause it was my right. That's how kingpins get ya. The contract disclosed all information from everyone. So if someone murdered you. Your information would be disclosed accept under certain circumstances. Praise the lord. The military wouldn't even be able to access it. Just crazy.

                                                        Day 68
Another episode. There are contracts in America that contradict state and federal laws. Some are privacy policies other are homeowners and else. These contracts can prevent you from recieving some of your rights. The contracts can possibly take some of your rights. A form of terror in America and along with other terrors can really do some damage to an individual or citizen. The contracts can disclose health information to the fbi and the government and the military and if those records are needed in case of an emergency they wont be able to be accessed properly. So my advice America is be careful what you sign. Praise The Lord. Praise Him Happy Is He.

                                                          Day 69
Another episode. There's a bulls dick/ donkeys dick live to the power line. I got shot in the head by a Chicago police officer in jail. I am being terrorized. I need someone help. I am in severe pain. And i get pounding headaches. Praise the lord. Please help me.

                                                             Day 70
Another episode. In being threatened and screamed at technologically. I can't do much. And everything i say and do can be used against me in the court of law. I've been tricked. I've been abused. I've been terrorized. I've been all you can think of. Praise the lord. I need help.

                                                             Day 71
Another episode. There were fundraising events held for organizations that share information about you and your treatments and else. It is how these certain organizations raise money. Good or bad there is individuals who are the same as well. Some organizations are mental health facilities. Praise the lord. The righteous are a wellspring of life.

                                                            Day 72
Another episode. In effingham county illinois jail people spitshine there cells and carve names and quotes into the metal bars. What if those chips wind up in your drink? And hope not to be wound up like a kid for a piece of candy to drink it. Praise the lord. There is terrorism in America.

                                                         Day 73
Another episode. I am on running a business,saving souls,tilling the lords soil,being righteous and just,playing the game,praising the lord,helping others,raising money and doing something with my life. Is this not on somethin. The lord saves. Is this reason to run a man to prison or even worse. Praise the lord. I need to start expecting things. Joel therein said that. Praise the lord.

                                                          Day 74
Another episode. Im tired of being terrorized. Seventeen years of terror and cruel and unusual punishments. These treatments! I can't focus. Sometimes i am extremely fatigued. I get pounding headaches. And i cant stop talking aloud to myself. This group im dealing with is a terrorist. Praise the lord. A false witness is a sword,a maul, and a sharp arrow.

                                                       Day 75
Another episode. There are treatments involved in supposedly my recovery from illness. But my illness is i don't have a glock and i cant get one. And im up against a group of terrorists. The ssi office says medication has nothing to do with my benefits. The ssi office also said there is no benefit amount limit. Obamma said when he was president the average life expectancy on ssi is 100,000$. Praise the lord. Upon death, the righteous will increase.

                                                              Day 76
Another episode. A buddy of mine stole an animal. He wasn't taking his medication. In court he was found med non compliant and sent to a mental hospital where he had to take a constitution test. He was in there over a year on a felony. If he had a mistaminer it would of only been three months. But if he wouldn't of taken his meds he would have to prove his sanity in court. And how can he prove his sanity in court if he is rigged head to toe of to there treatments. Praise the lord. This terror in America.

                                                                   Day 78
Another episode. The thieves are living in every single state of America and else. There using my identity to collect government benefits in every state. There stealing all the free government money. Praise the lord. A kingpin on every tax return season.

                                                               Day 79
Another episode. My grandma lives on my grandpa's retirement. But its hardly enough to pay the house bills but they eat like kings. Groceries these days you cannot get any item on just a buck. How can every night be thanksgiving night unless you got hundreds or thousands of dollars to throw around. Praise the lord. Understand him and understand all things.

                                                              Day 80
Another episode. My hotel room was broken into again. I put several objects in front of the door. I filed police reports which were supposedly docketed. The police aren't doing anything. Maybe a code of silence. I'm being terrorized and kingpinned to my death. The thief was after my wallet and else.
The thief figures he can get away with murder if he/she deletes all my online activities upon my death. Praise the lord. May god be with me.

                                                         Day 81
Another episode. I have metal chunks of the jail house cell door in my weener sack. I have metal in my eyes. And during surgery when younger a dog speaking training device was put in my ears. And i was shot in the head with a bb in jail. Im having unusual booty movements. And i can only do stuff when allowed to. Praise the lord. There's more but it is what it is for now.

                                                            Day 82
Another episode. Each piece of shrapnel is a pin. Each point to a crown is from a king. 24 pins in bowling is a strike. Same as a Klingon or Kingpin. Each point counts on a crown even the jewels. 26 pins is a voodoo set. Three voodoo sets is instant death. And trust me a shrapnel in the body with magnetic force is terrorism. Praise the lord. The world be aware of terror.

                                                               Day 83
 Another episode. My terrorist is running an onstar car phone matrix. And those who can't be copied makes my terrorist serious. Women are from Venus and men are from mars. Venus is the voodoo planet. And mars is the might planet. Or similar. And possibly corrupted. But anyhow. In rockford Illinois there was a matrix. Anderson was a medical distributer/manufacturer. And smith was an auto sales distributer/manufacturer. Both rich. There was a 9ob thrift store. A Zion church. And trinity daycare and morpheous and oracle temp services. Anyhow there was also Broadway and territories. Point is that Matrixs are real. Matrix also alto is Martin's and in effingham Illinois there is a Martin's IGA alto via alternative/similar word to and is related to matrix.praise the lord. There is terror around the world.

                                                         Day 84
 Another episode. I believe what killed princess Diana of England and Michael Jackson was a Kingpin or a voodoo.Even after revival it caused failure and shock. Also may have killed others like the attorney general of Illinois. I know too much for my age. I knew all this at the age of 12 years old. Praise the lord. It is what god has given me. God has given me much.

                                                          Day 85
 Another episode. There is an umbrella corporation in effingham Illinois. The parking lot at clover leaf motel has a concrete umbrella emblem in the middle of it but the parking lot is made of blacktop,weird. Praise the lord. There is terror around the world.

                                                       Day 86
 Another episode. My terrorist is forging contracts using my signature. Contracts that invade my rights and my home. Homeowners act of 1969 states no one is allowed in my home without a court order. Praise the lord. The US constitution states others have the right to defend another who cannot defend themselves. Praise the lord. Upon death the righteous we have civil privacy rights.

                                                        Day 87
My doctor has fundraising techniques. The fund raising group has laptops with wireless mouses. There is a piece of the mouse missing,but, it is still usable. The piece of the mouse is in the retna of my eyeball. The group clicks on online adds all day long while the piece of the mouse missing in the retna of my eyeball terrorizes me. What other terror treatement's are included in my recovery? Praise the lord. We are all gods favorites. God loves all of us.

                                                        Day 88
 Another episode. My mother blew up my kid. My ex wife told me so. I was born not breathing. I spent 9 months on an incubator.My mother told me so. My other ex wife was raped on live stage. I heard it so. Another ex wife went missing. She was never found. Another ex wife went to California and was kidnapped and raped by a cop. Another ex wife tried looking for me and she was also raped. I have another ex wife who was found in a lake. She can't be identified. And that's the beginning of it. I am rigged head to toe. Shrapnel in my eye. Needles in the bones of my arms.  Hearing aid in the back of my head. A speech impediment or dog training speaking device implanted behind my ear and in my jaw. Shrapnel in my balls. Had a cathedor stuck down my weener. Was bullied in high school. Was discriminated against many times of different things. Was hospitalized teens of times. Was raped. Was abused. Died and ressurected. Have seen friends die of multiple things similar. Was named on. Was tripped up. Was strung up. my head Was wooshed. Was terrorized. Was homeless for years. Was lined up in the street and called out by name. Was spun in circles. Was physically and mentally assaulted. Was drugged against my will. And i am still alive. was brutally interrogated. Was locked up in a fake police station. Was denied rights. Was captured by aliens.Was almost shot before 9/11.was followed by saucer like drones.was assaulted by crooked cops.was fired from jobs.was left stranded 100s of miles from home. Was almost killed by entire gangs.was robbed.was provoked.was mind controlled.was shot.was tazed.was called a fool.Its like i am a target.Praise the lord. God loves me. And i am blessed.

                                                              Day 89
Another episode. New York 1990s was a huge gang outbreak. A celebrity got shot for using recording studio and veterinarian equipment on an u.s citizen. The citizen was T 'd  to a corner however couldn't look at anyone when they were talking to him. Plus he had family issues and a disability. The citizen for a long time had no glock. Praise the lord. My terrorist is a recording studio specialist or celebrity singer and a veterinarian mis behaving. Unlawful use of compassitors and dog speaking devices. Plus a Chicago police officer wooshing a bb into my brain. Jesus the only emperor?

                                                            Day 90
   Another episode. I was diagnosed improperly by a spsychologist who did not have her college degree to even be able to properly diagnose her name is Mimi Halloway i believe. Mimi used to be the head coordinator of the pain department at OFF saint Anthony's hospital here in Effingham Illinois. She had found a brutal tactic to sell excessive amounts of pain pills. A mimi in your head,she used to joke about it with her collegues. Aidens mom a local effingham women used to get pounding headaches and took pain pills for it. She died though. And to me sounds like murder. Also believe she is one of my terrorists. There was numerous deaths with the same symptoms since.Hillary Clinton used similar tactics on her victims.mimi's motive is she would do anything not to loose her jobs or medical liscences.Praise the lord. May god be with us always.

                                                               Day 91
 Another episode. There were military training camps for soldiers. The program was called sattle horse. A telecommunications operation ran back during ww2 and Vietnam. Soldiers would march while being trained for the most harsh situations in battle. While they marched they were trapped in the operations sattle. Other names are sea horse,swordfish,com sattle and SATL. Some soldiers have even died from dehydration walking the desert.Praise the lord. There is corruption in America.

                                                            Day 92
 Another episode. Whitewater Wisconsin. A body was found and was unidentified about 2-4 years ago. My ex girlfriend doesn't even look like my ex girlfriend. I believe her entire family were killed and there bodies are also like hers. Leader of family services 2000-2013 got on live tv msnbc and said i get to ruin a mans life for once. My ex loved me but she hates me now. The leader also held fundraising events and knew people,lots of people. Ozzy ozbourne attended some of these events. I know the case quite well. And i solved it. Praise the lord. Its not always who you are. Its also who you know. And corruption is in central America. God be with us all.They destroyed the confession in new York by destroying a laptop with crucial evidence on it and the prior profit of the church of Jesus Christ of latterday saints was murdered. Along with it others too.

                                                              Day 93
 Another episode. 1996-97 poplar grove carnival Illinois. A bumper car control unit operation panel was stolen. Several people came up missing and were mysteriously found a couple years after. Same people? A vocation or else taken? Moved to a different area? I don't know but this terror all revolves around the same people and there groups. I get bad looks by women anymore. Most women wanna party. I don't mind it but i like to be sober. What if someone she dated family had did her and her mother in the ass. Then a family member out of jealousy stabbed her killing her. And afterwards knew everyone in the area and were sent to the wrong crime scene address. While the wrong crime scene was being invested a coverup happened. A house or trailer were burnt down along with bedding and else. The person known was the circle. And they pitched her body in another state. Amazing what a family would do for another family member. A daughter perhaps. A brother maybe. A father likely. A mother most definitely. Praise the lord.

                                                           Day 94
 Another episode. Its like i am in a murder scene that is ran all the way up to new york on the big screen downtown. I cannot be let to go to work. I just got to go to work. I cannot be let to run away from it. I just got to seek a higher power and run away from it. Its bs. Im either on something or im not. Ruination of life, liberty and persuit of happiness. Im tripped up at almost everything i say,but, what i do is different however i could be forced to do things against my will too. Praise the lord. I was never there. And nor do i know a thing about whatever there running me up there for.

                                                            Day 95
 Another episode. Theres more than 10 ways to kill a human being. Each way to do so is a number or symbol.Like kings, queens ,dukes, lords and hazards all have a number or card which is in all sorts of games. Games like poker,chess and else. Everything is the lords however. A deck of cards is 52 ways of death. Each card of a number ,a person or a thing. All cards thrown is a 52 man pickup. The wicked shall not inhabit the earth. Thou shall not kill. And is my terrorist. Praise the lord. Princess diana didnt have to die.

                                                            Day 96
 Another episode. As to the 60s and the 70s and 80s. People are getting old and dying. People who fought for lives,dreams,freedoms and rights and else. About money and pride is slowly returning. Diseases will rise as will the death toll. Freedoms and rights will be tested. Protests and people fighting back will be terrorists. Groups will be tested too. And greatness will be tested also. Used to be write offs but now were money makers. Our govornment will try to control us. And any signs of jesus will be killed as to the term  killing jesus. Praise the lord. They getcha one way or the other. Either on somethin or not. But to have rights you have to fight for them or have alot of money or access to legal counsel. Know your rights. Victems become victors and assaulters are wicked but defence of one another rules all else. Praise jesus. Did we really leave the dark ages? Or revelations taking fold in prophecy. Dont let them turn you into kermit,kermit the frog. Muppets live tv,the joke. Im living the same fate as micheal jackson. Im wanted dead or alive. Is it what you know,who you know,or just who you are and surround yourself with? Answere is all of the above. Praise the lord. America,the world and the tale of greatness.


                                                         Day 97
 Another episode. We are what we eat and take in. Whether its a pig or a chicken or a piece of bread. Santa clause chewing on cum was mtv's special in the 1990's. There was lots of talk about it. A million anericans its nearly over for. Taking pills and this gossip of its about money. More pride non the less. Who could i be? And vampires eat blood and flesh. Cannibals can be anyone they want to be. What' s protecting americans is who we know. Like micheal jackson before he\ she died. These things are real but no one believes me except the lord. Prqise the lord. You never know who could be pretending to be you. Put a dog with a bunch of territorial cats trust me its not good. Then feed the dog cat spray. Help!

                                                    Day 98
Another episode. Mentioned earlier. In 2010-2013. Gun shots from flintock rifles sounded the woods in rockford illinois just after the start in research to test soldiers and medicate them. Tactics were used to see how to completely control them and there behavior. A war led all the kingdoms. The gore and bloodshed lied the scene. The veterans\ soldiers were replaced with there simulars as a cover up. As to the youtube documentary America before columbus. Im a marked man. God has put his love on me. The bikers fled to the lord. A rocker had intimate relationship with a princess,united kingdom. The lord be with us. Praise the lord. Happy are all who praise him. Noble to his planet,country and else. Righteous he be. There is a takeover of the internet coming. Terror Camps were built. And this is just the beginning. There will be peace times and then will be dark times. Everything has a rest period. Praise.

    Day 97
Another episode. As to the 60s and the 70s and 80s. People are getting old and dying. People who fought for lives,dreams,freedoms and rights and else. About money and pride is slowly returning. Diseases will rise as will the death toll. Freedoms and rights will be tested. Protests and people fighting back will be terrorists. Groups will be tested too. And greatness will be tested also. Used to be write offs but now were money makers. Our govornment will try to control us. And any signs of jesus will be killed as to the term  killing jesus. Praise the lord. They getcha one way or the other. Either on somethin or not. But to have rights you have to fight for them or have alot of money or access to legal counsel. Know your rights. Victems become victors and assaulters are wicked but defence of one another rules all else. Praise jesus. Did we really leave the dark ages? Or revelations taking fold in prophecy. Dont let them turn you into kermit,kermit the frog. Muppets live tv,the joke. Im living the same fate as micheal jackson. Im wanted dead or alive. Is it what you know,who you know,or just who you are and surround yourself with? Answere is all of the above. Praise the lord. America,the world and the tale of greatness.

                            Day 99
Another episode. Im wanted dead or alive because i know i got rights and i fight for them daily. Im spychologicly terrorized and ran up to the Doc. Police officer cheesball says its about money. I paid my ssi taxes and state taxes. I was found disabled and recieved an early retirement. I was 2 credits shy of the full ssi amount. Others have a hard time getting an early retirement. Praise the lord im hated even by my own neighbor. Praise the lord god jesus.
                                                         Day 100
Final episode. The list. My terrorists are ------------------------------------------------------ frenchfry,cheeseball,sarah,meagan,brandon murray,jayson,zachary all security guards at the effingham county court house jail. Also bryan m kibler prosecuter for the people in effingham illinois. Dr. Dallmier at the effingham illinois medical center,my doctor. Mimi castaway who used to be ahead of the pain department at effingham illinois osf st anthonys hospital.A chicago police officer. My mother Barbara Huffman who is re married. Lupita Thompson who the family is familiar with. The old leader of family services in 2013 of mchenry county illinois. Ozzy ozbourne. Christina aguelara. Noah the  cmt country music star. Entire staff of mcfarland mental hospital springfield illinois. Entire staff of kankakee mental hospital chicago illinois. Entire staff of rockford memorial hosptital rockford illinois. Entire staff of osf st anthonys hospital 4th story mental unit. Entire staff of effingham illinois heartland mental facility. Motives is to obtain hospital visit payments "collect bills". There are also 2 mis behaving DOC officers.A mis behaving judge. A mis behaving probation officer. The sphychologist current at the effingham county court house and wood spychologist and there staff at the woodstock illinois court house. And more related to there groups are all suspects.

Another episode. I tried to vote for president this election. I was called a spider both elections of the last 2 elections. I was both denied my right to vote. China and korea raised nuclear war on america. The trade centers were attacked. The circle is a huge group. Tornadoes have spiked outrageously. People were killed. And my mother dated a king. Pride has risen up from it. Praise the lord. Too much to type down. 

Another episode. The lord called upon a man and prayed to jesus,united kingdom. Jesus answered the man and showed him a vision of an invisible alien and bombs falling and his spirit hanging beyond pluto by his embilical cord. American astronaut wheelock discovered an invisible alien on a month long nasa mission in space. Wheelock was interviewed and told his story and it was covered up. Yuri milners spending millions of god to find an alien. Nasa is studying how to plant potatoes on mars and how to reproduce in space. What killed the dinosaurs was a meteorite and a bogie 6 glacier. First the earth filled with dust then was drownded by water along with the other five biblical tragedies. The lord,the man both came to the lord as well as protectors. A prophet was killed the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. Obamma studied mars and tried to cap the biggest oil drill in history. Legend has it there drilling on mars and supposedly aliens are harvesting stars using scalpals and ships. Are we world creators? Or carnies living in a law\rule based carnival. Columbus was a loyal settler for queen elizabeth. He recruited ex criminals to help him find America for the queen. In the biblical images heaven was inside the earth alto word greatness in the bible. Men in black show up here and there. Rumor has it there above our govornment. Water is where we came from to land creature predicted. It says in the bible not to question the lord. Praise the lord. Is this real? We are already there! Are planets drillable,alto yes! Use notepad. Are planets cap-able alto yes! Are stars harvestable,alto Yes! Can a glaciers float in space,alto yes! Are there other planets similar to earth?Alto yes! Is it possible the answere is yes! It is. The lord has sent us possible? Yes! Transmissions in space pssible,alto yes! Do matrix's exist,alto yes! Everything is the lords. Glory of god to conceal a thing,honour of kings to search out a matter.


Another episode. An id chip is linked to the ncis system of the state and federal govornment. Going circle is terrorism. Ozzy osbourne put his id chip in an american eagle. All it does is fly in circles and eats. An paintball gun is serious business. I got shot in the eye with an id chip. Everytime the id chips tracked or accessed i get tetrorised. When they run the id chip to prison i cant see straight. Praise the lord. Im on retirement and the nearest specialists who my insurance will pay for is hours away. And i need referals. Is there a way retired civililians can recieve easier access to specialists. I got to crawl into the doctors office every month. I cant be let to go to the doctor. And the id chip belongs to a circle man. What i got to do? Probably hide in a hole lol. Jokes on them.

Another episode. Obamma created a terrorist program live to A SATL. Russians have been hacking the elections and else. Bikers went circle and pitched there id chips and link cards and else and fled to Africa taking on every state department along the way. The circle is canada and iraq and elsewhere. Big portion of the world groups map. Trump is building a wall. The media is blind. Info wars are at war with the globalists. And a crazy man who is retired revolves around it all but is an true u.s citizen and not a terrorist. Theres a celeb claiming to be the prince of england. Doing puzzles is hard. Praise the lord. Happy is he.

Another episode. Abraham Lincoln is a great inventor. He invented the electric magnet. Or lincoln invention. You can shoot a copper penny off a rooftop for several football fields. Depends on how much power you have it hooked to. A piece of that penny in your eyeball along with ac\dc is unimaginable. There is terrorism in America. Praise the lord. 

Another episode. Ever highway redone the ditches were installed with rubarbed steel rods and underground cable. An elgin project most likely gone state wide. In 90s elgin hospital lawsuits underground cable was used and an electric magnet and else live to the power line electrical source. People would have to do the moonwalk and would get picked up by ambulances and would excessively bill there insurance companies. In the constitution the 9 th amendment protects all rights not listed in the u.s constitution. And other right protect against being excessively billed by big companies. Praise the lord. There is terrorism in America.

Another episode. I watched tv on the news america was told about technological terror. Im picking up signals. The television talk about a particular sound technology and the use of lasers taking down aircrafts. General eckthardt and other soldiers helicopter exploded in thin air. Uv radio ultra violet ultra light radio sound was the discussion and fbi invasion. Praise the lord. 

Another episode. I watched tv. On the news was talk of a live 3d video game. There is needles in my arms bones which were injected there after picked up against my rights by an look alike emergency ambulance.
I was hospitalized for a diagnosis.
I dont have a glock and im lowly and retired. Praise the lord. Have we really left the dark ages?

Another episode. I recall the other law suits in history. Ones like the johnsons door opener and the automatic shopping mall door opener and the court house phone matrix in the selling of commesary and the intercoms and the sychotic meds put in food in state hospitals like radium and electrical socket ground screws, thermestat needles sperdometer needles, volt testers and water heater level testers and worlds smallest movie projector, hearing aids,talking barbies,jock itch powder in your underwear and else. Praise the lord. Those who delivereth souls are true witnesses. The righteous is an everlasting fruit.

Another episode. Zack an security officer at the effingham county jail house is an ex doc officer harrassing lowly effingham civilians and a prosecuter wants an prosecution and there making money off the phone commesary along with the company that sells them there commesary products. Praise the lord. A rich mans stronghold is his riches. The destruction of the poor is the poverty of the rich.
Another episode. Simular events happened before. A women cut her eyes out and made herself go def in both ears and also cut her tung off. Similar syaings that the terror is hardly brutal. Another man electricly wheelchaired himself down the street cause he couldnt walk and another man would cut down and scrap power lines. And a man would bark like a dog so he wouldnt prate like a fool saying a bunch of folly things. Praise the lord. We have bogie rights"civil rights" and constitutional rights along with right to liberty,life and persuit of happiness.
 Another episode. An americas most wanted manuel yanez did 3-5 years in prison on innocents of raping an women. Manuel appealed the case after being found guilty. He claimed he was denied freedom of information to the courts and that he was descrimated against and was automaticly upon arrest a criminal and not good because of the colour of his skin. He expressed to the court that he did not get a fair trial and expressed his right to a second opinion and had the evidence sent to an outside forensics lab he chose. He expressed his rights and the outside lab found no evidence against him and eventually he was released from prison. praise the lord. Jesus saves. I read this in a court case on the internet.

Another episode. I learned there is no safe place to keep anything away from criminals. The 1980s term when they want ya they get ya one way or the other. You keep stuff at home theyl crack it. You keep it on yoy theyl take it. You put it in a deposite box theyl steal it. You file a police report theyl kill you for it. No matter what you do nothing is completely safe. Praise the lord.

Another episode. I was at brothers dustins house collecting faucet system faucets when i gave him a faucet referral link to xbit. I told dustin you dont have to sign up to recieve auto payments but he said i think you do. So i signed up for it using his internet. My mom stole a gravel truck from me said to be left to me by my step dad thomas huffman. I dont know all that he left me but i feel the families trying to steal more from me and have me murdered legally via ssi and govornment by lifely worth of $100,000. Praise the lord.

Another episode. I am pinned. The family knows people. I have needles in my arms. A bb in my head. Im strung up by my eyeballs. A hearing aid in my ear. I cant work even if i wanted to. I cant go to prison or sell drugs. Smoking pot wont help. I cant do shit. If i drop from ssi ill just get arrested. And im being murdered legally through ssi and 100,000 life worth. Praise the lord.


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